A gift fell out of the heavens as I was leaning against my pillows. Suddenly, my usual middle-of-the-night awake time was transformed. Instead of reading something to bore myself back to sleep or fretting about how little sleep I was getting, I started writing down poems. 

I say it that way because that’s the way it felt.  Like I was just moving the pen for ten minutes while the ink miraculously flowed onto the yellow writing pad into words. Some times a couple of poems would form within an hour.  Often times one poem would flow out every night.

And they have just kept coming. Over 200 poems. About religion, politics, sexuality, social justice, climate change, and nature. Even some funny ones about dental visits and Pickleball that made me laugh when I wrote them down and again when I’ve come across them again.


Why? How? I haven’t a clue.

Except, perhaps, these poems were meant just for you.


Inspire you.

Bring you hope

Encourage you to Be you just because…you are you.

Whisper into your heart how very much in love with you is The River.


Always for you,

M.A. Hastings